LA MEUTE - Cottin-Euziol, Abdou, Blossier Gacic,Hedreville,Moulin,Normand, Saint-Frison

24° festival Inventa un Film 3//7 agosto 2022 Lenola

Dopo essere stata molestata, Marion, una giovane ventenne, racconta la sua storia ad un poliziotto, sperando di essere capita. Per lei, il responsabile fa parte dei segugi. Per lui, la ragazza è l’unica responsabile.
After a harrassing day, Marion, a young woman in her twenties, recounts her story to a policeman, hoping to be unterstood. For her, the responsible one is part of the hounds. For him, she is the one responsible..

Regia/Direction: Louise Cottin-Euziol, Lou-Anne Abdou, Antoine Blossier Gacic, Charline Hedreville, Agathe Moulin, Victoria Normand, Gabriel Saint-Frison
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Louise Cottin-Euziol
Musica/Music: Esteban Fernandez
Animazione/Animation: Louise Cottin-Euziol, Lou-Anne Abdou, Charline Hedreville, Gabriel Saint-Frison
Montaggio/Editing: Lou-Anne Abdou
Produzione/Production: Rubika
Durata/Running Time: 6’09”

LA MEUTE, Louise Cottin-Euziol, Lou-Anne Abdou, Antoine Blossier Gacic, Charline Hedreville, Agathe Moulin, Victoria Normand, Gabriel Saint-Frison, Animation, Animation section, Lenolafilmfestival, Inventa un Film, Lenola film festival 2022